
Inês Agostinho

Neuza Reis https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8126-765X

Luis Sousa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9708-5690

Rogério Ferreira https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5180-2036

Marcelle Miranda da Silva https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4872-7252

Cristina Baixinho https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7417-1732


Introduction Translating knowledge into clinical health contexts faces complex challenges, and research results take time to influence health policies and interventions. The World Health Organization, aware of the need to develop clinical evidence ecosystems, has made a series of recommendations; Goals: This article aims to answer the question: 'What are the contributions of qualitative research to the development of evidence ecosystems in clinical healthcare?  Methods: Based on a review of the literature and the authors' experience (with qualitative research and knowledge translation), the aim is to explore the advantages of qualitative research, the importance of its application in person-centered care and the development of evidence ecosystems. Results: A differentiated view of research and knowledge translation models contributes to the development of evidence ecosystems, where from the design of the study to the use of research results there is co-construction by the different actors in the process: citizens, health professionals, managers, and policy makers.  Conclusions: Qualitative research allows for centered care, the design of interventions that take into account the preferences and beliefs of the person, contributing to evidence-based practice and the development of evidence ecosystems.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Agostinho, I., Reis, N., Sousa, L., Ferreira, R., Miranda da Silva, M., & Baixinho, C. (2024). IMPLEMENTING QUALI EVIDENCE - A CHALLENGE FOR EVIDENCE ECOSYSTEMS . New Trends in Qualitative Research, 20(3), e1063. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.20.3.2024.e1063

Agostinho, I., Reis, N., Sousa, L., Ferreira, R., Silva, M.M. & Baixinho, C.L. (2023). Qualitative Research and the Design of Health Interventions. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 18, e857. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.18.2023.e857

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