This study explores the intersectional challenges faced by elderly Black women living in peripheral communities in northeastern Brazil. These women severeal obstacles stemming from their race, gender, age and socioeconomic status. How do elderly Black women perceive the effects of racism, sexism, and ageism on their lived experiences, particularly in relation to health, social interactions, and labor market participation? Objective: To analyze their perceptions of the aging process, focusing on the invisible scars left on their bodies and lives by systemic inequalities. This qualitative study employs thematic analysis to explore the lived experiences of Brazilian Black elderly women living in a peripheral community. Twenty voluntaries, aged 60 to 84, participated in the study. Data collection included narrative interviews based on the Oral History method. The data revealed three main themes: "Stories of Struggle and Overcoming", "Symbols of Resistance" and “Work and Economic Contributions”. These narratives highlighted the impact of structural racism and ageism on the women’s self-perception, well-being, and identity. While the women often faced marginalization and discrimination, their stories also reflected immense strength and a commitment to passing on resilience to future generations. the study shows the importance of addressing the needs of elderly Black women through public policies aimed at education, health and social inclusion. Their experiences shows a critical idea into the broader struggles of marginalized communities in Brazil, emphasizing the need for systemic change to promote equality and justice.
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