Educational objectives are essential for effective lesson planning and different forms of learning. In the context of health, as in the Dentistry course, the educational objectives originating from the course's Political Pedagogical Project and in turn based on national curricular guidelines for graduation are of great importance in guiding the learning process, enabling clear direction for the development of essential skills and competencies for dental practice. Objectives: This study proposed to identify and analyze the educational objectives of a Dentistry course based on Bloom's Taxonomy. Methodological Course: documentary research, of an exploratory nature, with a qualitative approach, in which the Pedagogical Project of the Dentistry course was analyzed and the Course Plans of subjects taught in the 2019.2 and 2020.2 academic periods using Bloom's Taxonomy as a theoretical and methodological reference. Results: Forty-nine subjects were analyzed mandatory subjects of the course were analyzed and it was observed that the verbs appear at high levels such as analyze, evaluate and create, especially in more advanced subjects, there is still a focus on concrete knowledge. There is a discrepancy between the objectives related to students' actions and the desires of teachers throughout the subject, which makes it difficult to identify the hierarchy of knowledge proposed by Bloom's taxonomy. There was little mention of the affective domain. Final considerations: There is a need for a balanced approach in the development of educational objectives, ensuring not only technical mastery, but also the development of clinical reasoning, reflection on practice and humanistic aspects in the training of Dentistry students, by Bloom's taxonomy. There was little mention of the affective domain.
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