This paper presents some reflections on the procedure being developed for the design and validation of assessment rubrics for oral expression, based on narrative tasks, in children aged 3 to 7 years. The assessment of oral expression in this age group is complex and there are few studies on the subject. The purpose of the Eval-Lex test is to assess communicative competence and, specifically, designed oral expression. It consists of two parts: vignettes and a story. In vignettes (a birthday), children are asked to tell what they see in them. In the story, a cartoon is read to them about how a child goes to school and, subsequently, they are asked to tell how it happens to them. What the subject expresses is recorded and must be evaluated based on rubrics. To develop them, a complex and meticulous procedure must be followed. The aim of this contribution is to show a synthesis of the methodological process that goes from the definition of the construct "oral expression" -criteria, dimensions and sub-dimensions- to designing rubrics and their logical and empirical validation. The phases of the procedure are presented, detailing what, how and who acts in each of them, as well as the aspects to be considered in the collection and analysis of the information. This is not a paper that reports the results of the procedure, but rather presents the way in which the methodology for designing and validating the rubrics is approached.
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