According to the Ministry of Health, Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a condition of deep sadness, despair, and lack of hope that occurs shortly after childbirth, associated with physical, emotional, cultural, and political dimensions. The prevalence of PPD in Brazil is high, affecting 26.3% of women. Thus, the research question was defined: “How to promote health care for women in situations of postpartum depression?”. To analyze how health care for women is promoted in situations of PPD. Method: This is an Integrative Literature Review. The search was carried out in the LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, Index Psicologia – Periódicos, and SciELO databases, from 2012 to 2022, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. A total of 117 articles were identified, and 37 were removed as duplicates. Reading the title and abstract of 80 publications allowed the exclusion of 48. Thus, 32 publications remained to be read in full; this process allowed the exclusion of 16, as they did not answer the research question. Thus, 16 were analyzed. Results: The review showed that this care can be carried out through activities promoted during pregnancy and postpartum, such as mental health monitoring during prenatal and postpartum care and the inclusion of a companion throughout the gestational phase, childbirth and postpartum. Other actions were identified, such as continuity of care for women through multidisciplinary care; mindfulness-based programs; counseling and support for recovery from pregnancy and birth; educational actions and application of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). The objective of identifying how health care for women is promoted in situations of PPD was achieved, made possible by the qualitative approach. However, limitations were identified, such as the difficulty in finding articles that specifically addressed care for women with PPD in the postpartum period
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