Communication and Decision Making in Neonatal Intensive Care: Why Narrative Medicine Matters
Objective: This paper aims to analyse parents’ and health professionals’ discourse, regarding four main areas: (1) the experience of care; (2) communication among all stakeholders; (3) ethical issues; (4) and ethical decision-making. Methodology: The authors collected 62 narratives from health professionals and parents whose newborns have been hospitalized for at least 15 days in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). We carried out a qualitative content analysis with the support of NVivo software version 12 Pro. Results: The feelings/emotions are present in a high percentage of narratives (mostly negative ones). Parents´ learning emphasizes coping strategies. Most narratives focus on communicational aspects. Decision-making is referred to in almost half of the narratives. The ethical issues and questions mentioned are mainly related to decision-making. Conclusion: The present study emphasizes narrative relevance in the alignment of parents´ and health professionals´ perspectives to promote therapeutic relationships.
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