Development of learning and core content in an online research Master
Online education is growing by leaps and bounds and more and more universities must adapt their training offer to offer online degrees. But this is not an easy task, since both teachers and students must adapt to the changes involved in the use of this educational model with face-to-face education. The research has been developed in one of the postgraduate degrees of the University of Extremadura, which is developed virtually. Specifically, the University Master's Degree in Research in Teacher Training and ICT. The general objective of the research has been: “To determine if there is a change in learning towards research, knowledge and use of ICT resources and in the fundamental concepts observed in the Master”. Twenty-one students have participated in the research. The research has been developed in two phases, a pilot study and a definitive one. The research design has been based on content analysis, on the Theory of Nuclear Concepts and Pathfinder Associative Networks for data analysis. Two data collections were taken, one at the beginning and the other at the end of the course. A category table, an open response questionnaire and a structured interview were designed and validated for data collection. The main conclusions obtained have been that collaborative activities are very important in e-learning, as well as the use of ICT, being mainly used for communication and data analysis. The students have a basic knowledge of ICT resources. Among the main problems detected in the teaching / learning process, they stand out in the teaching staff and in the organization.
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