Investigação de campo qualitativa em contexto educacional: Definição e considerações
With this article it is intended to present the methodological definition process of a qualitative field research in educational setting, as well as the critical considerations about the adopted procedures. The research focuses on the forms of representation in architectural design teaching, taking two schools as case studies, the auic-polimi and the faup. This article is organized into two main parts. In the first part, the fundamental elements of the followed methodology are enunciated. It starts with the research approach, mentioning the existing types, their general characteristics, and the criteria that led to the selection of a qualitative approach. Then, the notion of research design as the logical structure of the study is introduced, and the most frequent strategies in qualitative research are referred. It proceeds to the definition of the case study, taking into account: the number of cases, their units of analysis and the logical link between the data and the research problem. The followed research design is then defined as a multiple case study, with three embedded units of analysis, and a logical deductive-inductive model. Moreover, the methods for data collection, recording, analysis, and interpretation are mentioned, guided by a Characterization Matrix and a Synthesis Table. In the second part of the article, the particularities of the followed methodology are considered, focusing on the research methods. For this, the main positive and negative aspects of the adopted procedures are referred, as well as the aspects that need to be improved.
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