Being a Woman and Reduction of Working Time in Galicia: Contributions of the Critical Discourse Analysis from an Occupational Perspective
Introduction: In Spain, the reduction of working time is an individual right of workers. The reasons to apply for a reduction of working time are associated with the care of others, which are assumed and assigned to women.; Goals: To explore the reduction of working time in women’s phenomenon, in the community of Galicia, through the analysis of diverse means of communication or media from an occupational perspective.; Methods: a critical discourse analysis was conducted as a theoretical-methodological approach from a feminist and occupational perspective. This methodology allows us to examine how the discourses and language informed in media creates the social imaginary about the study topic. We employed Factiva as a database for the search. Keywords, a strategy search and selection criteria were established by authors. The selection process was conducted together by authors. The thematic analysis was started and it is in process.; Results: 61 digital news articles were included. 5 preliminary thematic categories were created: firing and judicial processes, public policies associated with reduction of working time, institutional violence, reduction of working time from a positive approach, and experiences of reducing working time linked to men.; Conclusions: In qualitative research, the critical discourse analysis seems to be a useful tool to analyse the content of digital news articles. This lets (re)thinking of the power relations associated with gender, that are produced when women participate in occupations, as for instance the labor sphere.
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