Qualitative research in the approach to the identity of the family enterprise. A case study in Mexico
The present study seeks to approach the understanding of organizations from the qualitative methodology; In this case, a family business and family identity referents that merge with business logic were studied. The company is a private mexican school located in Mexico City with more than 35 years and in succession. The inquiry was based on three main variables, family identity referents, business and organizational identity. The main findings show the necessary inclusion of context and influence in organizations; likewise, the importance of investigating the interpretation of the world of its members. The objective of the research was to understand the construction of the organizational identity in the family business based on family representations based on their influence on organizational performance. The methodology was qualitative based on a case study based on semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. The main results suggest that family habits and culture determine the family's preconceptions in the business
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