Automatized visualization methods for the qualitative analysis of teachers' collegial discussions
In this paper, we discuss a set of procedures for the visualization of conversation data, based on machine learning and text mining algorithms. The methodological function of these visualization methods is to support (rather than substitute) humanistic and interpretive qualitative data analysis. The context of our methodological discussion is the study of teachers’ learning communities. Enabling collegial learning among teachers has been argued to play a pivotal role in both teachers’ professional development and students’ learning. The problem is that the interpretive study of collegial discussions among teachers, which are typically considered a fruitful context for the study of teachers' collegial learning, is both time-consuming and cognitively demanding. Several scholars have discussed the potential of including machine learning and text mining in the toolbox of qualitative data analysis as a way to analyze large qualitative data sets and solve the time demand problem. However, the literature discussing the use of machine learning and text mining for qualitative research typically conceives the algorithms as substitutes for the work of the researcher. These automatized approaches are introduced to categorize the data, substituting the researcher in the analysis process. In contrast, we discuss the potential rewards of using automatized methods to support the analysis of teachers’ collegial discussions. We introduce a set of visualization procedures based on semi-supervised topic modeling and supervised classification algorithms and discuss how these visualizations can provide additional elements useful for the analysis of collegial discussions. Whereas these visualizations do not substitute interpretive analysis, we argue that they can support researchers’ interpretations by reducing data, identifying patterns of interactions, and possibly, visualizing group-level learning.
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