The advantages of the mixed methods approach: The case study of the participation effect in the Sudoeste Festival in the formation of the destination image(s) about Alentejo Litoral and in the revisiting intention
This paper intends to characterize the advantages of the development of an exploratory methodological approach of the mixed type based on the study of the effect that the participation in the music festival (MEO) Sudoeste, carried out in 2017, had/has in the image(s) formed over the Alentejo Litoral/Sudoeste region and in the respective intention(s) to revisit. The research allowed: 1) to identify the destination image (ID) profiles built by festivalgoers post-festival; 2) assess the opinion on the effect induced by participation in the festival on their ID and 3) typify the intentions of revisiting and of recommending visits to the region. The combined collection and analysis of data of a quantitative and qualitative nature made it possible to enrich the identification and characterization of ID profiles developed by festivalgoers. If the data of a quantitative nature situates the type profiles and the expressiveness of the respective dimensions, it is the data of a qualitative nature that allows to apprehend its true amplitude and significance. The results show that, through the combined collection and interpretation of quantitative and qualitative data, the mixed research method is the one that ensures greater potential and richness in triangulation and interpretation of the data, being the most suitable for multidimensional study objects.
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