Exclusion experiences in the academy: Challenges to interculturality
Introduction Reports of academic exclusion experiences arise as challenges to higher education institutions (HEIs) in their capacity to develop, but also to apply policies that promote interculturality; Objectives To know the institutional practices interpreted as barriers to inclusion and challenges to interculturality; and unveiling the feelings experienced by the academic community in experienced contexts that they consider to be exclusion; Methods Qualitative, phenomenological-hermeneutic study using phenomenological interviews with thirty members of the academic community (students, teachers and non-teachers) from a Portuguese HEI, from April to July 2019, supported by qualitative data analysis using Nvivo12. This work is part of a broader project entitled “Inclusive practices in Higher Education: The challenge of building a community”, authorized by the Ethics Committee of the Institution involved; Results The categories “Barriers to inclusion in the institution” and “Feelings experienced in exclusion events” are presented. The most referenced barriers to inclusion were architectural barriers and hierarchical disunity in the institution. About the feelings experienced in exclusion events, the participants essentially referred to feeling devalued and loneliness; Conclusions. The architectural barriers of the institution and the feeling of being devalued, loneliness and sadness are the major institutional challenges to inclusion and interculturality.
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