Government communication – Dubai’s magna carta
In 2019, the Government of Dubai formalized its “Magna Carta”. Document that, in the absence of a written Constitution, systematizes the eight principles that guide the Emirate's governance. The purpose of the “Magna Carta” is to ensure the well-being of citizens, the sustainable development of the Nation and the prosperity of future generations. As part of a study that has been carried out since 2016 on government communication of Dubai and the UAE Government and in particular by the Ministry of Happiness, this work aims to understand whether there is an articulation between the Happiness, Positivity and Wellbeing approach integrated in the National Happiness and Positivity Program with the aforementioned "Magna Carta", as well as the visibility given to the theme in the media. To carry out the study, the document was screened and the titles of the news published in the corpus latente in English were collected. Through a qualitative approach, the content analysis of the document was carried out with the support of the webQDA software. The results allowed us to infer that, on the one hand, it is a document that aims to maintain a centenary legacy and, on the other hand, to transmit this legacy to future generations. From the point of view of government communication, the document was widely disseminated and the communication puts the focus on the community and the government's concern to working for the well-being of society in line with the National Plan for Happiness launched in 2016.
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