
Mariana Matos https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0772-5341

José Carlos Ribeiro https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2208-3364


This article presents models of reference matrices for non-participant observations and for field diary records, based on data collection carried out on the digital platform Instagram. Such matrices are proposed as methodological possibilities that aim to systematize the procedures of analysis of the elements that make up the interactional process of self-presentation that took place in this locus. As one of the main current digital platforms, Instagram offers several resources and functionalities that enable and promote the experience, on the part of its users, of particular interactional processes, among which self-presentation stands out. In this way, the aim is to expand the available methods for studies of this process through the proposition of (1) a reference matrix for observations not participating in Instagram, built from the combination of theoretical and empirical elements that are significant for the intended analysis process, and of (2) reference matrices for notes records in field diaries, structured to be used, in a complementary way, in three formats: descriptive notes records, reflective notes records and methodological notes records. It is concluded that, in order to be attended to in a more comprehensive way, it is suggested that studies involving non-participant observations of profiles on Instagram, whose purpose is to analyze and understand the process of self-presentation, consider the particularities that involve the environments and the resources offered by the platform. Therefore, this methodological proposition of using specific referential matrices, built, and anchored in the specifics of the environment(s) and in the theoretical review of the interactional process (es) explored, presents itself as an opportune additional strategy for conducting research related to the investigation of the topic.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Mariana Matos, & José Carlos Ribeiro. (2022). Reference Matrices for Non-Participating Observations and Field Diary Records in Interactional Processes of Self-Presentation on the Instagram Digital Platform: A Methodological Proposal. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 14, e572. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.14.2022.e572

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