
Alejandra Ojeda Sampson https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9867-0157

Ma. Guadalupe Banderas Chávez


This work shows the results of research on the analysis of scientific texts around the Mexican and peasant female figure. The research was carried out with the dialectical-
critical method that allows to observe the problem in a totalizing way to understand the logic with which it develops. To this end, the reading and analysis of relevant works and documents on the subject was carried out. Four elements were established for its selection: 1. That will cover the period of the Colony to those produced today; 2. Texts constructed from research results; 3. Regardless of the nationality of the author, focused on the Mexican
countryside and 4. Books regardless of their date of publication and articles with no more than three years of edition. The Mexican peasant economy has rested on the actors of the family unit: woman and man, whether these are infants or adults. Although other forms of economic activities have already been transitioned, women are still fundamental to this domestic unit, as significant for the development of their communities the participatory
action of them. Although the scientific discourse gives an account of the above, it does not yet clarify the meaning of work in the field dependent on gender and all the inequalities that it continues to reproduce. In addition, the gender perspective in scientific texts remains for the most part an unfinished business. Given this, the scientific debt towards women's studies is made visible in one of their most vulnerable roles: that of being a woman peasant.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Alejandra Ojeda Sampson, & Ma. Guadalupe Banderas Chávez. (2022). The Mexican peasant woman in scientific texts . New Trends in Qualitative Research, 14, e734. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.14.2022.e734

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