
Camille Rose Carl Mendoza https://orcid.org/0009-0002-7723-4510

Renz Garcia https://orcid.org/0009-0009-4000-2397


The lack of agricultural involvement of the youth is a worldwide issue that endangers food security and sustainable development. As the youth continue to pursue non-agricultural courses and migrate to non-agricultural careers, there is a need to increase the labor force in the agricultural industry. As such, this phenomenological research aimed to understand the experiences of youths enrolled in agricultural courses. It aims to provide insights into the meanings of agriculture from individuals who have chosen to pursue agricultural education despite society’s pessimism about agriculture. Data was collected and analyzed using Collaizi's descriptive phenomenological method. We individually interviewed eleven senior high school students enrolled in an agricultural program at a Philippine state university. We also conducted member checking to enhance data validity and reliability. The participants have practical experience in agriculture, which focuses on crop production and livestock management. They also had communicative experiences, which are their interactions at school, with families, friends, and media focusing on agriculture. Moreover, for the participants, agriculture is a worthwhile endeavor. Agriculture can be a source of fulfillment, a stressful and risky field of specialization, and a means of contributing to national development. This research highlights that when given opportunities for agricultural engagement, the youths' experiences can establish positive meanings on agriculture. Thus, researchers can pursue further research on agricultural involvement. Moreover, there must be collaboration among relevant agencies to intensify efforts in encouraging the youth’s participation in agricultural activities.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Mendoza, C. R. C., & Garcia, R. (2023). Phenomenological Research on the Youth’s Experiences on Agriculture in the Philippines. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 16, e767. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.16.2023.e767

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