Introduction: Given the multiplicity of definitions about the concept of human resource churning, we took as a premise, the costs associated with the replacement of workers from voluntary departures from organisations. As this is a subject that has not yet been widely explored in Portugal, this study aims to expand the theoretical framework, as well as the empirical studies; Goals; Methods: This qualitative study aims to identify the main precedents of human resource churning and the strategic measures applied by organisations to mitigate it. In order to make the objective feasible, the research question was: what is the origin of churning in organisations and what are the mitigation measures? As a data collection method, 20 semi-structured interviews were conducted with human resources directors from various sectors of activity, which were analysed through content analysis in order to extract the main variables, emphasising the development of a theoretical model and its analysis; Results: In order to analyse this model, 3 propositions were defined and proceeded to their substantiation, using the literature on the subject and the information obtained through the interviews, it was possible to analyse the veracity of the defined propositions. It was possible to predict that human resource churning precedents negatively influence the occurrence of human resource churning; that mitigation measures have a positive influence on human resource churning and that mitigation measures have a positive influence on human resource churning precedents; Conclusions: The greater the investment in the application and/or development of policies and practices of human resources retention, the lower the churning rate will be, and therefore the costs derived from the replacement of workers will be reduced.
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