The idea for the theme came from the student's rational speech, the first author on homeopathy and the questioning of science and pseudoscience. In the process of building chemistry as a science, alchemy left important contributions such as laboratory techniques and the figure of Paracelsus who organized the first scientific communities. Science is a human construction and this construction took place through a process influenced by different factors. Scientific knowledge is the result of processes that follow formalities and arises from the rigor of what is called the scientific method. The work methodology was the application of an electronic form-type questionnaire that was careful to be directed to people who had a connection with science in their professional routine. UnB IQ. The results were analyzed using a quali-quantitative method. When the form was interrupted for responses, there were 61 participants and of this total, 16 teachers. It was verified that the participants are divided in their beliefs about homeopathy and science, however, the interesting thing is that even two participants who do not believe resort to homeopathy to treat symptoms that they also treat with allopathic medicines. In post-pandemic times, it is important to look at science and credit the scientist's role in dealing with these issues. However, homeopathy cannot be disregarded as a care practice, as it is part of a list of therapeutic lines of the SUS that look at the individual and his integrality and do not disregard allopathy.
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