
Márcia Alves da Silva https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4727-2623


Qualitative research with elderly feminist activists is an important contribution to understanding the historicity of the feminist struggle and the reality of these women. Its results are relevant not only for the academy, but also for society as a whole, as they make it possible to reflect on social inequalities and the importance of fighting for equal rights for all women. In this way, this writing refers to research carried out with women feminist activists in a city in the south of Brazil, understanding these women as precursors in the political and democratic strengthening of the struggle for women's rights, in their local actions. The participating women are recognized as protagonists in the construction of the feminist movement in the city. The proposed (auto)biographical narrative research was the methodological tool adopted. The results enabled a historical understanding of the construction process of the feminist movement in the city and region, based on the construction of a collective memory of the social movement. The data obtained pointed to a similarity between the local context and the national one, where the fight against the dictatorship was the common agenda where the feminist movement emerged. But it was also possible to perceive local specificities that greatly influenced the construction and consolidation of the social movement in the city. It is concluded that the (auto)biographical narratives were a valuable opportunity to learn about the experience and struggle of these women and to understand the importance of the feminist struggle for the construction of a more just and egalitarian society. Their stories are a testament to the strength and courage of women and serve as inspiration for the movement to continue.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Márcia Alves da Silva. (2023). NARRATIVE (AUTO)BIOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH WITH ELDERLY FEMINIST ACTIVISTS FROM SOUTHERN . New Trends in Qualitative Research, 19, e866. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.19.2023.e866

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