
Juan Morua Ramírez https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5080-5243

Sergio Méndez Valencia https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6865-6661


The dynamics and its phenomena can be interpreted as a physical, objective, and independent measure, but it is ultimately the individual who observes, declares, and predicts it in a subjective approach. Recognizing the existence of these two worlds (objective and subjective) and under the premise that every system is dynamic, this communication highlights the absence of a focus on dynamics in management and especially in entrepreneurship, whose main characteristic is to refer to an individual in action who seeks to develop a project, in a dynamic interaction both external and internal. Under these conditions, the questions arise: Which method do we have to use to help the entrepreneur to develop his project considering the dynamic that surrounds him? This method could help the researcher to generate theories that be useful to the former? To answer them, we base ourselves on the phenomena derived from dynamic systems and on a constructivist epistemological position, to highlight the importance of qualitative method to help the entrepreneur to build both his project and his reality and at the same time for the researcher to develop theories that have the character of actionable.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Juan Morua Ramírez, & Sergio Méndez Valencia. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF THE QUALITATIVE METHOD IN THE USE OF THE DYNAMIC PHENOMENON IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 19, e871. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.19.2023.e871

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