Introduction: The State Department of Health of Goiás (SES-GO), Brazil, developed a rehabilitation program aimed at Primary Care and aims at the recovery of users who have functional consequences after COVID-19. Therefore, the evaluation of the proposed protocols is important to support public health actions and policies for the provision of rehabilitation services to the population. Methods: This is a descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach. A guiding question was applied to 18 users, from two cities in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia. The answers were written by the researcher and treated with thematic content analysis. Results: From the analysis, two thematic categories emerged, namely: perceptions of the effects on functionality and; perceptions of therapeutic effects attributed by users after the rehabilitation program designed by the Health Department of the State of Goiás. Physical improvement enhances their participation in social life, which provides benefits in their emotional aspects. The differences were noticeable by the users in comparison with the moments when they had not performed any therapeutic procedure before the proposal idealized by SES-GO. Self-efficacy was another latent element in users' responses regarding program implementation. The users' satisfaction with the proposal is expressed by the interviewees, being an essential factor to demonstrate its quality. Final Consideration: The rehabilitation program can be an essential ally when considering aspects of the biopsychosocial model in the recovery of users who have had the consequences of COVID-19. These results may imply the expansion of the rehabilitation program proposed by the Health Department of Goiás to other local and regional Health Departments.
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