According to the literature, there is a participation gap in the activities of the cultural sector that threatens the sustainability of these organizations. The problem has been widely addressed in participation studies under the conceptual framework of cultural economics, so this research proposes to study the phenomenon from the broad perspective of value creation, and under the theoretical framework of service dominant logic. Research of this complexity requires mixed methodologies to delve deeper into the construction of more precise models.
The objective of the research is to know how value is co-created in a cultural environment through the observation of embeddedness, engagement, alignment and value-in-context in leaders of cultural organizations, users and public managers. The context of the study is the Network of Cultural Points of Peru (PDC Network).
The general methodological design includes surveys and interviews with PDC leaders and users, and a focus group with public managers. The article describes the proposed methodology –sequential explanatory– but offers greater detail of the qualitative section in order to demonstrate its contribution to achieving the objectives.
The use of a mixed methodological approach has allowed us to have the following findings: i) Engagement: the participation of users co-creates value with the organizations; the leader's participation influences that of the team ii) Embeddedness: the norms and values not shared among the different actors in the ecosystem restrict the co-creation of value; iii) Value-in context: the value perceived by users is linked to education, entertainment and affection. iv) Alignment: the interaction platforms proposed by Network Headquarters mediate the value perceived by Culture Points leaders.
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