
Sara Batista de Freitas https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2443-5001

Iana Vitória Dias Almeida https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4347-4479

Marilva Linhares Batista https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4991-6741

Lúcia Dias da Silva Guerra https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0093-2687


The use of qualitative research methodology is essential for health education, which has the function of offering a field experience with the approach of communities in different contexts. Contributing to insertion and field contact, the conduct of research on the community, the knowledge of the realities and difficulties faced by residents both in the context of quality of life, the social determination of health. Goals To present the use of elements of qualitative research methodology in a health field experience in the urbana occupation Vista Alegre do Juá in Santarém-Pará, Brazilian Amazon Region. Methods This is an experience report that used for its construction elements of the qualitative research methodology, such as the snowball technique for approaching the occupation leaders, the oral report of key informants and observation for knowledge of the site. In loco visits were made with local leaders and also remote contact via whatsapp. Research was carried out with Santarém municipal bodies, such as the Municipal Secretary of Urbanism and Public Services (SEMURB), Municipal Secretary of Infrastructure (SEMINFRA), Social Assistance Reference Centre (CRAS), Municipal Secretary of Health (SEMSA), Technical Nucleus of Health Surveillance (NTVS) and the Epidemiological Monitoring Unit for the gathering of information on the occupation. Results It was observed that the Vista Alegre do Juá occupation suffered few changes, in the sense of producing significant improvements in the lives of its population. The occupation is still in the process of regularisation to become a de facto neighbourhood. Thus, the location still has many needs, such as the absence of public services, even though its representatives seek the necessary improvements, aiming at more government support for the community. Conclusions Despite the efforts of its representatives in the search for improvements so that the community can receive more government support, the lack of public services, such as school, basic sanitation or even transportation, and especially a Basic Health Unit (BHU) is something that makes the conditions of this community even more difficult to maintain life.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Sara Batista de Freitas, Iana Vitória Dias Almeida, Marilva Linhares Batista, & Lúcia Dias da Silva Guerra. (2023). THE USE OF ELEMENTS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: A FIELD EXPERIENCE IN AN URBAN OCCUPATION IN THE BRAZILIAN AMAZON REGION . New Trends in Qualitative Research, 18, e913. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.18.2023.e913

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