In April 2023, a Training Workshop on mixed methods in Health Education and Research was held at the University of Aveiro. In this training, a problem was posed about what plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism is, and we found very few correct answers regarding the definition of these concepts. This led us to question what is really known about this topic and where we can find concrete examples of plagiarism and self-plagiarism that have gone unnoticed in society. To carry out this study, a bibliometric and systematic review of the literature was carried out, between the years 2014 and 2022, in the International databases WOS and SCOPUS with the use of the keywords “Plagiarism”, “Scientific” and “Education”, using VOSViewer Software. As a result of this search, 40 documents with the greatest impact on ??education were selected, analyzing the content of their summaries and conclusions through CAQDAS NVivo. Among the conclusions obtained, we observe that there is a real need to make known: various recurrent instances of plagiarism and self-plagiarism that occur in academic environments of higher education and analytical models that shed light on the moments prone to these behaviours, offering concrete recommendations to prevent them. his persistence. As a limitation, since this is an exploratory study, the results obtained were not compared with other databases, such as ERIC. Finally, to obtain more significant data in the future, we intend to expand this research by conducting interviews and focus groups with different students and education professionals, to compare the information compiled with new, broader searches that include other databases.
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