Introduction: Pre-tenure early career researchers within academic settings play an important role as catalysts for new research and methodological innovations. However, the tenure-track process can be a high-pressure experience for such faculty. Examining organic collaborations amongst new pre-tenured faculty can afford opportunities for internal capacity building. However, literature is lacking in the benefits of developing such partnerships among novice faculty members with other novice faculty members. Research Objectives: This study aimed to examine the research programs of three novice tenure-track nursing faculty members and the connections between such programs for current and future collaborations, advancement of the nursing profession and scholarship, and personal-professional growth. Methodology: Narrative Inquiry with a specific focus on self-study was utilized with participants who identify as tenure-track nursing faculty members and are also the three investigators on this study. Each participant underwent a self-reflection process directed by a question guide informed by the literature and theoretical lens of Creamer (2003), and an aspect of the Narrative Reflective Process. Participants reflections were analyzed against each other and with relevant literature for co-construction to occur, moving participants’ experiences from being an individual activity to one that can have social significance for others with diverse programs of research. Results:
The study explored common narrative threads that emerged from the faculty members’ reflections: stakeholder collaboration and involvement; nursing policy, practice, and research leadership. Final Considerations: This study has demonstrated potential areas for future collaborations between novice faculty members leading to benefits for the nursing profession, nursing research and personal career growth.
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