In the field of qualitative research in health, evident in this edition of NTQR, new trends can be observed in the way of researching, collecting data and producing results. We can even say that the successive confinements and constraints in data collection in the field have led us to a more reflexive process, to look more at what others have produced. We have seen, in the different scientific areas, an increase in literature reviews and other ways of collecting data, such as those latent on the internet. But this is not necessarily harmful, on the contrary, it has created opportunities to map and systematise knowledge. Not reinventing the wheel, but noting the "wheels" that exist, what is done, what needs to be done, innovating and finding ways to improve healthcare in its different perspectives.


ISSN: 2184-7770


Editors: Lucimara Fornari, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de Oliveira, Cleoneide Oliveira, Brígida Mónica Faria e Jaime Ribeiro


Investigação Qualitativa em Saúde: Avanços e Desafios // Investigación Cualitativa en Salud: Avances y Desafíos

Jaime Ribeiro, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de Oliveira , Cleoneide Oliveira, Brigida Monica Faria, Lucimara Fornari

Page: e733

Empirical Articles

Synthesis, transfer and implementation of qualitative evidence to improve clinical practice and decision

Cristina Baixinho, Óscar Ferreira, Fátima Marques, Ellen Synthia de Oliveira, Maria Helena Presado, Mário Cardoso, Armando David Sousa, Tiago Nascimento

Page: e568

Knowledge and Practices of Professionals of The Family Health Strategy on Promoting Child Development

Maria Wanderleya de Lavor Coriolano Marinus, Luana Amorim da Silva, Jaedson Capitó de Santana, Adelia Karla Falcão Soares, Mirelly da Silva Barros

Page: e640

The social perspective of viral hepatitis: Scope review

Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da Fonseca, Rafaela Gessner Lourenço, Lucimara Fabiana Fornari, Mariana Sbeghen Menegatti

Page: e641

Difficulties and potentialities related to the organizational climate of nursing staff in a public hospital

Elisabete Mesquita Peres de Carvalho, Carmen Lúcia Marques de Brito, Monique Batista Pimentel Villas, Gracielle Cordeiro Muniz

Page: e642

New paths for the Plataforma de Saberes project in the context of the COVID-19 transpandemic: Innovative actions to promote health and produce knowledge

Claudia Teresa Vieira de Souza, Clarice Silva de Santana, Charles Hudson Sesana, Jane Soares, José Liporage Teixeira

Page: e644

Public invisibility of Integrative and Complementary Practices and social humiliation of workers who offer them in Primary Health Care

Pedro Henrique Brito da Silva, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de Oliveira, Nelson Filice de Barros, Leylaine Christina Nunes de Barros, Janaína da Câmara Zambelli

Page: e645

The reference nurse in the care of children undergoing liver transplantation: A qualitative study

Ernestina Maria Batoca Silva , Vanessa Mafalda Carvalho, Daniel Marques Silva

Page: e652

A critical systematic review on autoethnography and Marxism: Traces to identify this (mis)encounter

Leonardo Carnut , Cristhian Ricardo Schieck, Lucia Dias da Silva Guerra, Áquilas Mendes

Page: e663

Heath knowledge and literacy in the late postoperative of myocardial revascularization

Vanêssa Piccinin Paz, Maria de Fátima Mantovani, Ângela Tais Mattei da Silva, Robson Giovani Paes, Marta Cossetin Costa

Page: e666

Fear-Generating Circumstances in Brazilian Nursing Professionals in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Maria do Perpétuo do Socorro Sousa Nóbrega, Priscila Maria Marcheti , Cíntia Nasi , Elda de Oliveira , Wanderson Carneiro Moreira , Dárcio Tadeu Mendes, Sonia Regina Zerbetto

Page: e667

Perceptions of nursing technicians about the safety culture in an urgency and emergency unit

Manacés dos Santos Bezerril, Flavia Barreto Tavares Chiavone, Renilly de Melo Paiva, Larissa de Lima Ferreira, Marianny Naiara Paiva Dantas, Viviane Euzebia Pereira Santos

Page: e668

Technologies for Nurses' Clinical Reasoning: Integrative Review

Edlamar Kátia Adamy, Patricia Poltronieri, Elisangela Argenta Zanatta

Page: e669

Contributions and limitations of the qualitative approach in evaluative research on the Patient Safety Culture

Thaiane Almeida Silva Pol, Karla Crozeta Figueiredo, Rebeca Iwankiw Lessa Beltran, Gabrielle Porfírio Souza , Mariana Tavares de Oliveira Castellani , Cleide Straub da Silva Bicalho

Page: e670

Concept Analysis Of The Safe Care Term In The Perspective Of Walker And Avant

Viviane Euzebia Pereira Santos, Flavia Barreto Tavares Chiavone, Manacés dos Santos Bezerril, Renilly de Melo Paiva, Larissa de Lima Ferreira, Marianny Naiara Paiva Dantas

Page: e671

Patients' perceptions of long-term urinary catheter use

Anne de Paula Tsuboi, Thayna Silva de Assis Barros, Annela Isabell Santos da Silva, Cristina Rosa Soares Lavareda Baixinho, Andreia Cátia Jorge Silva da Costa, Marcelle Miranda da Silva

Page: e676

Being a Nurse: Motivations of Young Students

Carolina Henriques, Paulo Santos, João Frade

Page: e677

Memories of elderly people living on the streets

Aline Pereira de Souza, Gabriella Rocha de Souza, Paula Sales Rodrigues, Juliana Ribeiro da Silva Vernasque, Maria José Sanches Marin

Page: e682

Perceptions of informal caregivers about daily experience in caring for the dependent elderly

Maria Regina Teixeira Ferreira Capelo, Rita Maria Baptista Lemos Silva, António José de Olim Marote Quintal, Christina César Praça Brasil, Raimunda Magalhães Silva, Ana Maria Fontenelle Catrib

Page: e684

Integration in nursing education projects for the translation of knowledge: A qualitative study

Cristina Lavareda Baixinho, Óscar Ramos Ferreira, Marcelle Miranda da Silva, Marcelo Medeiros, Ellen Synthia de Oliveira

Page: e687

Interprofessionalism and teamwork: A necessary (re)construction during the health education process

Thania Maria Diniz, Regiane Cardoso de Paula, Edlaine Faria de Moura Villela

Page: e688

Strenghts and challenges in the implementation of oncological care in network: The voice of Primary Care workers.

Maria Carolina Rodrigues Garcia, Silvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom, Kátia Alves Rezende, Mara Quaglio Chirelli, Fabiana Veronez Martelato Gimenez, Tereza Lais Menegucci Zutin

Page: e689

Cognitive Stimulation to the Elderly in Intensive Care as a Nursing Care

Fernanda Cajuhy dos Santos , Larissa Chaves Pedreira , Tânia Maria Oliva Menezes , Juliana Bezerra Do Amaral , Valdenir Almeida da Silva, Nildete Pereira Gomes

Page: e690

Clinical judgment of nursing students in clinical education: A look during a time of pandemic

Fátima Mendes Marques, Maria José Pinheiro, Patrícia Vinheiras Alves , Carlos Pina David , Sandra Neves

Page: e691

Living with HIV: Men's feelings

Mirian Dias dos Santos, Cássia Regina Fernandes Biffe Peres, Sílvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom, Magali Aparecida Alves de Moraes, Luciana Cristina Parenti

Page: e692

Parent-targeted eHealth technologies for premature babies´ care: An integrative review

Moisés Andrade dos Santos de Queiroz , Christina César Praça Brasil, Claudia Belém Moura Cabral, Andrea Cintia Laurindo Porto , Priscilla Mayara Estrela Barbosa , Rachel Cassiano de Sousa

Page: e693

Reasons that lead pregnant and parturient women to opt for cesarean section: Integrative review

Julia Casimiro Sá, Kátia Teresinha Alves Rezende, Mara Quaglio Chirelli, Sílvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom, Aline Pereira de Souza, Lara Cristina Motta Ragozzino

Page: e694

End-of-life care for critically ill patients in the ICU and their families: Bioethical analysis

Sandra Milena Hernández-Zambrano , Ana Julia Carrillo-Algarra , Angela Camila Baquero Lizarazo , Jazbleide Fernanda Montañez Valiente

Page: e696

Perception of nurses in a surgical clinic regarding the standardization of Shift change

Cleoneide Paulo Oliveira Pinheiro , Cassia Maria Holanda Pinheiro, Pedro Oliveira Pinheiro, Mardenia Gomes Vasconcelos Pitombeira , Indara Cavalcante Bezerra , Raimunda Magalhães da Silva

Page: e697

Nursing in face of (I) mobility of hospitalized elderly people: Study of social representations

Pedro Henrique Costa Silva, Larissa Chaves Pedreira , Jeane Freitas de Oliveira, Mirian Santos Paiva, Levi Moura Santos, Roberta Pereira Góes

Page: e698

Evidences and gaps in scientific production on SUS managers: Scoping review

Janete Lima de Castro, Carinne Magnago, Samara da Silva Ribeiro, Tania França, Isabela Cardoso M. Pinto

Page: e699

Problem-based learning in undergraduate nursing: Perceptions of students and graduates

Paula Sales Rodrigues, Maria José Sanches Marin, Aline Pereira Souza, Gabriela Martins Grandin, Karina Roberta Vieira de Almeida, Carolina Saab Rocha de Oliveira

Page: e700

Memories of puerperal women about the assistance of nurses during pregnancy and puerperium

Layla Santana Corrêa da Silva, Ana Paula de Assis Sales, Rodrigo Guimarães dos Santos Almeida, Ellen Ferraz Teston, Daiane Medina de Oliveira, Luciana Virginia de Paula e Silva Santana

Page: e701

Educational strategies used in interventions on violence against the elderly: Integrative review of literature

Juliana Ribeiro da Silva Vernasque , Ana Laura Lopes Loosli , Maria Clara de Sousa Santos , Fabiana Veronez Martelato Gimenez, Paula Sales Rodrigues, Maria José Sanches Marin

Page: e703

Reflections on project-based learning: A case study in formative assessment and feedback in a Pediatric Emergency discipline during the pandemic

Tiago Perez Leitão Maciel, Maria Viviane Lisboa de Vasconcelos, Ana Lydia Vasco de Albuquerque Peixoto, Lanusia Nunes Almeida, Bruna de Sá Duarte Auto, Célia Maria Silva Pedrosa

Page: e704

Netnographic research on the importance of spirituality and religiosity after the diagnosis of breast cancer

Cristina de Santiago Viana Falcão, Ana Maria Fontenelle Catrib , Christina César Praça Brasil, Patrícia Maria Santos Batista, Isabelle Cerqueira Sousa, Juliana Carneiro Melo

Page: e705

Perception of academics from the aesthetics and cosmetics course on fatphobia

Jorgianna Letícia Ribeiro Braga, Cristina de Santiago Viana Falcão, Ana Maria Fontenelle Catrib, Aline Barbosa Teixeira Martins, Luara da Costa França, Mariza Araújo Marinho

Page: e706

The homeless population: Intersectoral planning strategies for health care

Daniele Carmo Queiroz, Renata Meira Veras , Ananda Genonádio, Adailton Alves da Costa Filho

Page: e707

Cognitive and memory changes in COVID-19: Integrative Literature Review

Bianca Costa Dias, Larissa Canela Ruiz Evangelista, Guilherme Henrique Cardozo Mazer, Ana Carolina Paes de Figueiredo Ferraz, Vitória Colozio Tahan, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro Higa

Page: e708

Social representations of brazilian nursing professionals about the Covid-19 the context of mental health

Maria do Perpétuo do Socorro Sousa Nóbrega, Priscila Maria Marcheti , Sonia Regina Zerbetto, Larissa Almeida Rézio, Aline Macêdo Queiroz, Anderson Reis de Sousa , Wanderson Carneiro Moreira

Page: e711