This book includes a selection of 64 papers accepted for presentation and discussion at the 9th Ibero-American Congress on Qualitative Research (CIAIQ2020), held between July 15th, 16th and 17th, 2020. CIAIQ has three main fields of application (Education, Health, and Social Sciences) and seven main themes: Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research; Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies; Qualitative Research and Mixed Methods; Types of data analysis; Innovative Processes of Qualitative Data Analysis; Qualitative Research in Web Contexts; Qualitative Analysis with Specific Software Support. This book proves to be an excellent solution for researchers, teachers, and students who seek knowledge about the use of qualitative research in the context of Education.

ISSN: 2184-7770
ISBN: 978-989-54759-1-9
Editors: Susana Oliveira e Sá, Fábio Freitas, Paulo Castro, Mercedes González Sanmamed e António Pedro Costa



Susana Oliveira e Sá , Fábio Freitas, Paulo Alexandre Castro, Mercedes González Sanmamed, António Pedro Costa

Page: I-XIII

Empirical Articles

Educational action research in teacher development in assessment methods for resident physicians

Bruna de Sá Duarte Auto, Maria Viviane Lisboa de Vasconcelos, Ana Lydia Vasco de Albuquerque Peixoto, Maria de Lourdes Fonseca Vieira

Page: 27-41

Learning assessment: A bibliometric study

Eduardo Amadeu Dutra Moresi, Isabel Pinho, Vilson Carlos Hartmann, Mário de Oliveira Braga Filho, Cláudia Pinho, António Pedro Costa

Page: 42-54

The informational dimension of the digital competence of preteens. A cases study

Esther Vila-Couñago, Fernando Fraga-Varela, Esther Martínez-Piñeiro

Page: 139-152

Risk containment in Brazil: A teaching issue?

Amanda Castelão Sousa, Rafael Riani de Mendonça, Valéria da Silva Trajano

Page: 168-181

Senses of bioethics that emerge in an intercultural context: An approach from grounded theory

Adriana Lucía Valdez Fernández, Francisco Fernando Bohórquez Gongora

Page: 196-209

The scientific pre-initiation: An inclusion or segregation process?

Antônio José Silva-Gonçalves, Sandra Maria Gomes de Azevedo, Jonathan Goncalves-Oliveira, Valéria da Silva Trajano

Page: 270-282

The use of Photovoice as a pedagogical strategy

Maria Anabela Ferreira dos Santos, Luísa Sotto-Mayor, Madalena Oliveira, Irene Soares, Isabel Serra

Page: 312-321

How teachers de evaluate: Case analysis of a normal school, supported by webQDA software

Dina Veronica Gallegos Fernandez, Carlos Ramirez Silva, Margarita Bakieva, Carlos Sancho-Álvarez , Sonia Verdugo-Castro

Page: 322-335

Qualitatives investigations and (auto) biographical contribution: Dialogues between methods and participants of researches

Heriédna Cardoso Guimarães, Roberta Jardim Coube, Andreia Viana da Silva Diniz, Verônica Fabíola Neves Rodrigues

Page: 351-365

Challenges and possibilities of autoetnographic research

Rosane de Mello Santo Nicola, Dilmeire Sant’Anna Ramos Vosgerau

Page: 403-414

Visual narratives in education: A systematic literature review

Marina Mota, Cristina Manuela Sá, Cecília Guerra

Page: 415-427

Elaboration of educational game in pharmacology: Validation by specialists

Karla Meira Castro Zepponi, Luzmarina Aparecida Doretto Braccialli , Osni Lázaro Pinheiro

Page: 476-489

Continuing teacher education in higher education in health

Rodolfo de Oliveira Medeiros, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro Higa, Maria José Sanches Marin, Carlos Alberto Lazarini, Monike Alves Lemes

Page: 490-501

Content analysis assisted by Nvivo: A study of the adequacy of portuguese institutions of higher education to the Bologna process

Sandra Mª Gouveia Antunes, Paula Marques dos Santos, Anabela Fernandes Guedes, José Paulo Lousado

Page: 502-517

The use of qualitative data analysis software under the eyes of a beginning researcher

Dilmeire Sant’Anna Ramos Vosgerau, Ana Paula de Andrade Janz Elias Elias, Thamyres Kinaski Gonçalves, Beatriz Maria Zoppo

Page: 536-548

Assessment in active learning: Social representations of nursing students

Monike Alves Lemes, Maria José Sanches Marin, Carlos Alberto Lazarini, Silvia Cristina Mangini Bocchi, Joyce Fernanda Soares Albino Ghezzi, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro Higa

Page: 549-563

Medical education: Student’s assessment about internship

Elza de Fátima Ribeiro Higa, Luzmarina Aparecida Doretto Braccialli, Magali Aparecida Alves de Moraes, Silvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom, Osni Lázaro Pinheiro, Haydée Maria Moreira

Page: 564-574

Discussions about social cohesion in Mexican Universities: The case of the Univecs evaluation system

Carlos Sancho-Álvarez, José González-Such, Jesús Miguel Jornet Meliá, María Jesús Perales Montolío, Purificación Sánchez-Delgado, Sonia Ortega Gaite

Page: 575-587

Students' self-perception about participating in extracurricular knowledge transfer activities: The example of the safe transition

Cristina Lavareda Baixinho, Óscar Ferreira, Mário Cardoso, Patricia Nascimento, Rita Pedrosa, Paulo Gonçalves

Page: 588-601

Cross-Sectional qualitative research on bullying in a research group in humanities and contemporary society of IFMT (2016 a 2019)

Raquel Martins Fernandes, Isabel Cristina Silva, Leyze Grecco, Carolina Guimarães Santos, Luiz Carlos de Morais Fernandes, Silbene Rosa Paoliello

Page: 631-641

Pedagogical practice and the permanence of Afro-descendent quota holders in the dentistry course

Josenilda Almeida Cavalcante, Clara Roseane da S. A. Mont’Alverne, Antonia Izabel da Silva Meyer, Leneide Austrilino Petta, Mercia Lamenha Medeiros, Lenilda Austrilino

Page: 658-674

Action research as a strategy for learning bad news communication: Student perception about role-play added to mobile learning

Moana Cavalcante, Maria Viviane Vasconcelos, Suely Grosseman, Célia Maria Silva Pedrosa , Cynthia de Jesus Freire

Page: 703-718

Reflections on the right to home schooling

Maria Lucia Sucupira Medeiros, Stella Regina Taquette

Page: 743-751

Socrative Plataform usage by organic chemistry students: A preliminary study

Maria Hosana Conceição, Olga M. Albuquerque, Ana Júlia Vilas Boas, Cristina M. Quintella

Page: 752-757

Influence of emotional vulnerability on student residence at a Federal Public University

Maria Angélica de Moura Bueno, Lauren Machado Pinto, Maria Rita Assis Cesar, Julio Gomes

Page: 778-783

Occupational and gender analysis in childhood: Application of body map storytelling from a discussion group

Natalia Rivas-Quarneti, Rocío Ferreira-Marante, Alicia Tojeiro-Ríos, Inés Viana-Moldes

Page: 784-793

Construction of the technique of mathematical praxelogies in the telebachillerato classroom

David-Alfonso Páez, Daniel Eudave-Muñoz, Teresa De Jesús Cañedo-Ortiz, Ana Cecilia Macías-Esparza

Page: 803-810

Meanings of Leisure and Quality of Life iIn Professors From Ibero American Universities

Selma Aparecida Leite de Andrade, Maria Lucia Rodrigues, Aurora Madariaga Ortuzar, Malvina Cruz Rentería, Rosely Cubo Almeida, Savio Guimarães

Page: 811-819