This book includes a selection of 83 papers accepted for presentation and discussion at the 9th Ibero-American Congress on Qualitative Research (CIAIQ2020), held between July 15th, 16th and 17th, 2020. CIAIQ has three main fields of application (Education, Health, and Social Sciences) and seven main themes: Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research; Systematization of approaches with Qualitative Studies; Qualitative Research and Mixed Methods; Types of data analysis; Innovative Processes of Qualitative Data Analysis; Qualitative Research in Web Contexts; Qualitative Analysis with Specific Software Support. This book proves to be an excellent solution for researchers, teachers, and students who seek knowledge about the use of qualitative research in the context of Health.

ISSN: 2184-7770
ISBN: 978-989-54759-2-6
Editors: Lucimara Fornari, Fábio Freitas, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de  Oliveira, Cleoneide Oliveira e António Pedro Costa



Lucimara Fornari , Fábio Freitas, Ellen Synthia Fernandes de Oliveira , Cleoneide Oliveira , António Pedro Costa

Page: I-XVI

Empirical Articles

Perception of palliative care nurses about the intervention of the specialist nurse in rehabilitation nursing

Rosa Martins, Rosa Cardoso, Nélia Carvalho, Susana Batista, Alexandra Dinis, Ana Andrade

Page: 1-13

Curricular visibility for overweight: Contribution of thematic analysis

Maria Magaly Medeiros, Rosana Vilela, Andrea Vanderlei Fregadolli

Page: 14-25

Distraction preferences of children with cancer

Karol Johanna Briñez Ariza, Maria Elizabeth Gomez Neva

Page: 26-42

Contribution of educational action research (research-education) for the insertion of the matrix home care course in dentistry

Franklin Regazzone Pereira Lopes, Maria Viviane Lisboa de Vasconcelos, Célia Maria Silva Pedrosa, Cynthia de Jesus Freire

Page: 56-67

Perceptions about motherhood and breastfeeding: The importance of knowing maternal expectations and experiences through thematic analysis. Qualitative research protocol

Esther G. Adalia, Montserrat Hernández-Luengo, Raquel Bartolomé-Gutiérrez, Beatriz Rodríguez-Martín, Estela Jiménez-López, María Martínez-Andrés

Page: 68-81

Health and the environment on the trails of care: Conceptions and connections

Crystiane Ribas Batista Ribeiro, Vera Maria Saboia, Lina Márcia Miguéis Berardinelli, Marcela de Abreu Moniz, Eliane Ramos Pereira, Tatiane Marinz de Souza Luquez

Page: 82-92

The theme of good obstetric practices in the context of political-pedagogical project of the residence

Elisabete Mesquita Peres de Carvalho, Leila Bernarda Donato Göttems, Dirce Bellezi Guilhem

Page: 93-104

Qualitative method enhanced by artificial intelligence: An experience report

Victoria Grassi Bonamigo, Deborah Ribeiro Carvalho, Marcia Regina Cubas

Page: 105-115

Patient safety: Perceptions of teachers and students of the technical nursing course

Cláudia Rodrigues, Pétala Salvador, Kisna Alves, Amanda Lopes, Clara Marques

Page: 116-127

Valuing the preceptory for strengthening education-service integration: A qualitative study

Francisco José Passos Soares, Helga Maria Teixeira Cassiano, Jorge Artur Peçanha de Miranda Coelho

Page: 128-139

Theoretical reflections on taking care of oneself in the light of symbolic interactionism

Sheilane da Silva Santos, Glaucia Valente Valadares, George Luiz Alves Santos, Ligia Santana Rosa, Jussara Regina Martins, Paulo Joaquim Pina Queirós

Page: 140-150

Health communication approaching health workers and medical students: A strategy for dengue control in Brazil

Edlaine Faria de Moura Villela, Wanderson Sant’ana de Almeida, Wallace Antunes Damásio do Nascimento, Luana Kronit Bastos, Gabriel Gonçalves Dutra , Fábio Morato de Oliveira

Page: 151-161

Competences on palliative care in the training of general practitioners

Kátia Macário Santos Quintiliano, Francisco José Passos Soares

Page: 175-187

Relevance of qualitative research for the preparation of health educational materials

Claudenisa Mara de Araújo Vieira, Sabrina Alaide Amorim Alves, Maria do Socorro Vieira Lopes, Marlene Menezes de Souza Teixeira

Page: 188-198

Dance as a therapeutic resource for improving the health of institutionalized elderly women in the city of fortaleza-ce

Leila Maria de Andrade Filgueira, Aline Veras Morais Brilhantel, Laís Duarte de Moraes, Paula Pamplona Costa Lima, José Clerton de Oliveira Martins

Page: 212-225

Quality of life related to health: Dimensional analysis of the concept

Lara Borges de Vasconcelos, Míria Conceição Lavinas Santos, Raimunda Magalhães da Silva, Carlos Garcia Filho, Victor Lavinas Santos, Débora Rodrigues Guerra Probo

Page: 226-238

Perception of parents or guardians about the toy library as a therapeutic resource in child care

Fernanda Amorim Cesário, Suelen Fernanda Coutinho Pinto, Thaís de Freitas Aniceto, Alessandra Silva Lima Jardim, Claudirene Milagres Araújo, Lilian Machado Torres

Page: 239-250

University education proposal in colombia: "Professional of community life and peace"

Lyla Piedad Velosa Amature, César Maurício Junca Rodríguez, Jonh Harold Estrada Montoya

Page: 251-264

Developing health promotion competencies in the praia sem barreiras project

Fabiana Gonçalves de Mello Cahú, Fellipe Eugênio Soares Miranda, Ana Claudia Camargo Gonçalves Germani, Maíra Rosa Apostólico, Alfredo Almeida Pina-Oliveira

Page: 265-278

Playing at the hospital: Nurses' experience with the use of bt in pediatric units

Fabiane de Amorim Almeida, Lidia Souza dos Reis Silva, Carolline Machado de Miranda

Page: 279-292

Learning in research projects during nursing undergraduate degree: Integrative literature review

David Loura, Rafael Bernardes, Cristina Lavareda Baixinho, Helga Rafael, Isa Félix, Mara Guerreiro

Page: 293-304

Map of matrix support ground: A dialogical review of the literature

Renata Laureano da Silva, Maria Auxiliadora Teixeira Ribeiro

Page: 305-317

Experiences, values and preferences of people with generalized anxiety disorder about their health care: Qualitative Research

Vanesa Ramos-García, Ana Toledo-Chávarri, María del Mar Trujillo-Martín, Tasmania Del Pino-Sedeño, Wenceslao Peñate Castro, Lilisbeth Perestelo Pérez

Page: 331-346

Perspective of adolescents living with diabetes mellitus about self care

Caren da Silva Bertoldo, Eliane Tatsch Neves, Aline Cammarano Ribeiro, Camila Barreto, Diúlia Calegari de Oliveira, Camila Lopes Marafiga

Page: 347-358

Therapeutic itinerary of families of disabled children in the light of health care system theory

Andreia Chaves Farias, Maria Rosilene Cândido Moreira, Milena Silva Costa, Joseph Dimas de Oliveira, Antônio Germane Alves Pinto, Evanira Rodrigues Maia

Page: 359-371

Contraceptive counseling on voluntary termination of pregnancy: Systematic review

Sara Palma, Adriana Taborda, Nídia Nunes, Mário Cardoso, Maria Helena Presado

Page: 372-384

Understanding the feelings of incarcerated elderly

Alessandra Minervina dos Santos Lopes, Maria Fernanda Pereira Gomes, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro Higa, Maria José Sanches Marin, Carlos Alberto Lazarini

Page: 400-410

Elderly deprived of liberty: Life expectancy after serving the sentence

Alessandra Minervina dos Santos Lopes, Claudia Tedde, Maria Fernanda Pereira Gomes, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro Higa, Maria José Sanches Marin, Carlos Alberto Lazarini

Page: 411-422

Action research in the reconstruction of nurses’ knowledge of the nursing process in the hospital area

Rayanne Valentim Ribeiro, Flavia Nantes Fausto, Patrícia Trindade Benites, Arminda Rezende de Pádua del Corona, Vilma Ribeiro da Silva

Page: 423-436

Health literacy and myocardial acute post-infarction care

Vanessa Piccinin Paz, Maria de Fátima Mantovani, Nen Nalú Alves das Mercês, Verónica de Azevedo Mazza, Ângela T. Mattei da Silva

Page: 437-448

Perception of the school cooks of Carapicuíba - São Paulo, Brazil, on aspects of their professional performance

Nyvian Alexandre Kutz, Danielle Martins Pereira, Marianne de Faria Chimello, Alfredo Almeida Pina-Oliveira, Denise Cavallini Cyrillo, Marcia Maria Hernandes de Abreu de Oliveira Salgueiro

Page: 479-490

Contributions to the mental health of the elderly in primary health care: An integrative review

Aline Pereira de Souza, Kátia Terezinha Alves Rezende, Maria José Sanches Marin, Silvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom, Daniela Garcia Damaceno

Page: 491-502

Nurse’s experiences facing the implementation of the case management model, for the care of people with pluripathology and their family caregivers

Sandra Milena Hernández-Zambrano, Ruth Alexandra Castiblanco Montañez, Ana Julia Carrillo Algarra, Laura Catherin Garcia Rodriguez

Page: 503-514

The interdisciplinary bachelor in health and medicine: A correspondence analysis of conceptions about humanized care

Renata Meira Veras, Vitória Batista Calmon de Passos, Caio Cézar Moura Feitosa, Sheyla Fernandes

Page: 528-541

The user and his search for care in formal networks and live networks: A cartographic production

Kátia Santos de Oliveira, Ana Lúcia de Grandi, Maira Sayuri Sakay Bortoletto, Josiane Vívian Camargo de Lima, Rossana Staevie Baduy, Regina Melchior

Page: 542-554

The use of individual social network maps: Research and intervention strategy to adolescents in psychological distress

Diene Monique Carlos, Isabela Martins Gabriel, Daniela Gonsalves Lopes, Fernanda Maranho Santos, Ana Paula França de Oliveira, Luiza Cesar Riani Costa

Page: 555-566

Health, integrality and care in integrative and complementary practices: Conceptions of managers of basic health units

Janaína da Câmara Zambelli, Pedro Henrique Brito da Silva, Nelson Filice de Barros, Ellen Synthia Fernades de Oliveira

Page: 567-579

Health conditions of the family caregiver of the dependent elderly

Raimunda Magalhães da Silva, Antonia Rozângela Souza de Oliveira, Luiza Jane Eyre de Souza Vieira, Christina César Praça Brasil, Maria Helena de Agrela Gonçalves Jardim

Page: 580-591

The influence of technology on preschool and school child development

Thaís Aluane Silva Santos, Kátia Terezinha Alves Rezende, Ione Ferreira Santos, Silvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom

Page: 592-608

Women's sexuality: Difficulties, confrontations and performance of health services

João Marcos Franco de Souza, Kátia Terezinha Alves Rezende, Larissa Aparecida Pedroso, Silvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom

Page: 609-622

Women and disability: Perceiving their quality of life

María Victoria Martín-Cilleros, María Cruz Sánchez-Gómez, Miguel Ángel Verdugo-Alonso, Manuela Crespo-Cuadrado, Ana Belén Sánchez-García, Cristina Caballo-Escribano, Sonia Verdugo-Castro, Elena Manjón-García

Page: 623-634

Discourse analysis of the collective subject of dental surgeons in the daily care regulation

Leonardo Carnut, Celso Zilbovicius, Tarsila Teixeira Vilhena Lopes, Brunna Verna Castro, Jaqueline Vilela Bulgareli

Page: 635-647

Humanized care for pregnant women, parturients and puerperal women: thematic analysis of the conception of health professionals

Beatriz Castro Souza Capelanes, Maryelle Peres da Silva Santos, Katia Terezinha Alves Rezende, Mara Quaglio Chirelli

Page: 648-663

Definition of target skills for the classification of games directed to children with Autism spectrum disorder

Francisca Francisete de Sousa Nunes Queiroz, Christina César Praça Brasil, Fabiana Neiva Veloso Brasileiro, Felícia Gabler, José Eurico de Vasconcelos Filho

Page: 664-677

Critical discourse analysis in the study of public health policies: An example from changes in drug policy in Brazil

Yuri Fontenelle Lima Montenegro, Ana Karla Ramalho Paixão, Natália Caldas Martins Sales, Aline Veras Morais Brilhante, Christina César Praça Brasil

Page: 678-690

Content definition of the Mnemonic position

Cristina Lavareda Baixinho, Óscar Ferreira, Fátima Mendes Marques, Maria Helena Presado, Mário Cardoso, Helga Rafael

Page: 707-719

Ageism in health care: A Systematic Review

Sheyla Fernandes, Nycolas Emanuel Tavares de Lira, Alanda Maria Ferro

Page: 720-731

Perception of nursing about oral hygiene to hospitalized patients

Rodolfo de Oliveira Medeiros, Márcia Renata Rodrigues, Márcia Aparecida Padovan Otani, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro Higa

Page: 732-741

The interview in grounded theory: Learning from Participants

Célia Simão de Oliveira, Rita Madeira Nogueira, Idalina Delfina Gomes

Page: 742-753

Integrality in the physical rehabilitation: Difficulties and Strategies for its Development

Paula Carolina de Castro Boscateli, Antonio Henrique Rodrigues dos Passos, Maria José Sanches Marin, Luís Carlos Paula e Silva, Marcio Mielo, Elza de Fátima Ribeiro Higa

Page: 754-768

Breast stimulation as natural method to inducing normal labor

Filipa Ramos, Emília Coutinho , Vitória Parreira

Page: 769-782

The pregnant immigrant woman in the centrality of the interaction with the nurse: Constraints and Strategies to Overcome them

Emília Coutinho, Ana Raquel Duarte Domingos, Vitória Parreira, Paula Nelas, Cláudia Chaves, João Duarte, Neila Karimo, Alcinda Reis

Page: 783-796

Perception of Haitian immigrant women on body conception, health and care

Marli Aparecida Rocha de Souza, Aline Dalpra Rosa, Aida Maris Peres, Flaviane da Silva, Ingrid Margareth Voth Lowen, Silvana Regina Rossi Kissula Souza

Page: 797-807

Educational and social technology as a means of bridging the gap between theory and practice

Olga Albuquerque, Maria Hosana Conceição, Maria Fernanda Melis, Felipe Albuquerque, Neusi Berbel, Cecile Rodrigues

Page: 808-821

Qualitative Ethnobotanical study with professionals and users of the unified health system of Juína - MT, Brazil

Rodrigo Silva Rios, Leda Maria de Souza Villaça, Suzy Helen Dourado, Silvio Carlos Bieski, Isanete Geraldini Costa Bieski

Page: 870-881

Meanings attributed to work overload by residents of gynecology and obstetrics and its influence on medical professionalism

Elaine Saraiva Feitosa, Ana Maria Fontenelle Catrib, Aline Veras Morais Brilhante, Sammya Bezerra Maia e Holanda Moura, Sílvia de Melo Cunha, Christina César Praça Brasil

Page: 895-908

Narrative of Care in Humanized Delivery

Jéssica Lopes de Oliveira, Luciana Segurado Cortes, Marcella da Nóbrega Santiago, Antônio Carlos Rodrigues da Cunha

Page: 947-955

The initial use of webQDA software to support the conduct of a thesis

Valberto Barbosa Porto, Maria Marlene Marques Ávila, Cecília Galvão, Maria do Socorro de Sousa

Page: 956-963

Health care in the pregnancy-puerperal cycle: integrative literature review for the

Nathalia Cristina Plaza Caprioli, Kátia Terezinha Alves Rezende, Cassia Regina Fernandes Biffe Peres, Silvia Franco da Rocha Tonhom, Aline Pererira de Souza

Page: 964-974

Chronically Ill Older Adults’ Perception of Loss of Functionality and Autonomy

Maria Vieira de Lima Saintrain, Caroline Barbosa Lourenço, Caroline Ferreira Martins, Ana Nery Melo Cavalcante, Rosa Lívia Freitas de Almeida, Raimunda Magalhães da Silva

Page: 975-983

Scoping Review About Metaplan as A Group Facilitation Technique in Critical Qualitative Health Research

Silvia Veiga-Seijo, Maria Jesús Movilla-Fernández, Natalia Rivas-Quarneti

Page: 1000-1007

Narratives of Psychologists from the Maria da Penha Law

Marilda Castelar, Amanda Torquatro, Verena Souza Souto

Page: 1018-1025

Mental Health Professional Understanding in the North de Brazil/ to Quality Assistance Challenges

Marta Azevedo dos Santos, Ana Terra de Araújo Rodrigues, Leila Rute Gurgel do Amaral, Rozilaine Lago, Maria Inês Gandolfo, Danielle Keylla Alencar Cruz

Page: 1026-1041