
Bárbara Novaes Medeiros https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2262-8208 Marcus Vinicius Soares Siqueira https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4787-7016


Life history is related to self-report from the individual's relationship with the group and society, in the act of inscribing his experience in temporality. And in this report, the political force of queer theory can make it possible to destabilize essentialized identities under the hetero-cis-normative pattern, which echoes in the organizational context when gendering positions and occupations. In view of these issues, this study aims to understand the theoretical-methodological approach of life history in the light of queer theory and its contributions to Organizational Studies. It is necessary to deepen the discussions on life history, in order to advance the field of qualitative research in Organizational Studies, considering the scarcity of systematization of this knowledge in the light of queer theory. To this end, the discussions were supported by national and international articles associated with the topic and authors such as Butler (2017, 2019), Delory-Momberger (2012, 2016), Ferraroti (2007) and Ricoeur (2012). The findings of the study contributed to highlight elements of life history in the light of queer theory, such as the queerization of life experiences from the subversion of imposed social norms of gender and sexuality, which points to evidence of new paths and study agendas for researchers who focus on investigations that contemplate life stories in Organizational Studies.



How to Cite

Bárbara Novaes Medeiros, & Marcus Vinicius Soares Siqueira. (2022). Life History in the light of Queer Theory and its contributions to Organizational Studies. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 14, e581. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.14.2022.e581