Why and for what did you download Tinder? Use motives in single Mexican users





Reasons for use, Social psychology, Tinder.


Introduction: With the failure of dating applications for technological devices, various questions have been generated around the psychosocial variables that circulate inside and outside of them. Objectives: The objective of this study focuses on Tinder (dating application), which has grown in popularity in Latin America, particularly in Mexico, raising questions about what motivates individuals to use the application and what they perceive get its use. Method: To address this, an exploratory - descriptive study was carried out through the online application of an open questionnaire regarding the reasons for using Tinder. In it, 450 Mexicans collaborated, with an age range of 18 to 38 years. To analyze the results, a qualitative content analysis was carried out. Results: 12 categories were identified, classified into gratifications obtained (why of use) and gratifications sought (why of use). Both men and women share reasons for social use, such as entertainment, and search for a partner, as well as curiosity about the use of the application; however, men tend to seek sexual encounters more frequently than women; while they seek to establish friendships and validate their physical appearance (ego – boosting). Conclusions: It is suggested that since Tinder is a virtual space that favors the satisfaction of the psychosocial needs of the individual, studies continue to be carried out on its use.


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How to Cite

Kathia Rebeca Arreola Rodríguez, & Rozzana Sánchez Aragón. (2022). Why and for what did you download Tinder? Use motives in single Mexican users. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 14, e573. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.14.2022.e573