
Ricardo Loureiro Rosa Martins Joana Bernardo Susana Batista


Introduction: The patient with Parkinson disease often presents changes in posture, decreased mobility and an increased risk of falling. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of Rehabilitation programs in improving mobility, preventing and decreasing the risk of falling in Parkinson's patients. Methods: Using the PICO strategy, an Integrative Review was carried out in the period 2012-2019. The study corpus included 7 primary studies, resulting from research in national and international databases. The principles proposed by the Cochrane Handbook were followed.Results: The effectiveness of Rehabilitation plans in improving mobility and the fall´s risk for patients was demonstrated. The Rehabilitation Nursing intervention protocols must include, in addition to the classic exercises (gait, balance and postural correction training), proprioceptive stimulation exercises, use of Virtual Reality and technological interventions. Conclusions: The Rehabilitation programs instituted in patients with Parkinson's disease demonstrated to be effective, however the introduction of new intervention strategies can significantly improve the patients' health.



How to Cite

Ricardo Loureiro, Rosa Martins, Joana Bernardo, & Susana Batista. (2021). Efficacy of Rehabilitation on Mobility, Prevention and Reduction of the Fall’s Risk in Parkinson’s Patients. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 8, 163–171. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.8.2021.163-171