Reading deficit in university students: An integrative literature review




University students, Reading deficit, Prejudice, Integrative literature review, Qualitative research


As a literary research and considering that there are few investigations that contemplate the study of the difficulties related to the reading deficit in higher education, it is necessary to investigate the subject, in order to favor the understanding of the difficulties that people with reading deficits experience in the university context. As a research method, qualitative research was carried out, in which an integrative review of the literature was developed, in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) databases, using the descriptors prejudice and reading deficit in university students. Thirty-three articles were located and after critical evaluation and verification of the previously established inclusion and exclusion criteria, 28 articles were selected and analyzed. Thus, the conclusions corroborate that, among the several difficulties that can be reverberated in the life of the subject with learning difficulties in the field of reading, the process of social exclusion and the due impact of the one aimed at prejudice can further enhance the conduct of the learning process with respective delays, thereby, assuming that the body and/or intellectual condition of these subjects is something that assumes and/or defines them as less capable than the rest of the general population.


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How to Cite

Juliana Corrêa da Silva, Luciana Maria Maia, Carolina Rocha Peixoto, Ana Claudia Coelho Brito, Julia Leitão Fontenele, & Léa Araújo Montenegro. (2022). Reading deficit in university students: An integrative literature review. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 14, e594.