This article proposes a critical approach to qualitative comparative methodologies in the study of social policies, based on the analysis of the case study presented by Mishra (1995) in his book ‘The Welfare State in Capitalist Society’. The aim is to answer the research question of this article: how, in qualitative research, do the choices of comparison units facilitate or limit the understanding of social policies? The methodology adopted involves theoretical, documentary, and case study analysis, examining common frames of reference in comparative approaches, such as causality, empirical variations, application limits, theorization, and comparison units. The study shows that the methodological path to understanding different realities is increasingly linked to the formation of comparative units and the definition of the nature of the cases, often classified as successful, unsuccessful, or hybrid experiences. These categories can result from a logical construct defined by the researcher. The conclusion is that one of the most relevant aspects of the research lies in the poor or non-existent grasp of the meanings and explanatory senses that each unit of analysis and comparative cases (political regimes) attribute to their choices in the face of the crises of capitalism. Ramesh Mishra's work reinforces our suspicion: in qualitative research, comparing cases can improve the understanding of social policies and limit their interpretation and explanation. Taking the conscious risk of comparing social policies as national agreements, with a high degree of territorial variation, is a practice that can ignore the specific logic and dynamics of each context. This review therefore emphasises the importance of a critical understanding of methodological choices and theoretical approaches in comparative qualitative studies. As well as recognizing that not everything is comparable and that replication can reinforce the coloniality of knowledge, it stresses the need to pay attention to the ‘hierarchy of credibility’ when analyzing comparative models.
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