
Simone Antoniaci Tuzzo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9401-6510

Claudomilson Fernandes Braga https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9133-6014


This article seeks to discuss how human senses are capable of providing understanding and identification of realities, often neglected due to the exacerbated use of technologies to the detriment of human contact and face-to-face viewing. This is not an opposition to the use of technologies as auxiliary mechanisms in the research process, especially in data organization and analysis processes, since technology is necessary, inevitable and has become an important ally in the construction of scientific knowledge. However, the objective of this article is to discuss the dialogicity of qualitative research with the human senses – hearing, smell, taste, vision and touch and answer the research question: Can the senses be understood as fundamental categories in methodologies applied to qualitative research in a way that empirical? The methodological design was developed from a qualitative perspective of a bibliographic nature, with examples of cases in which the meanings are already explored by organizations, in addition to resuming studies initiated by Tuzzo et al. (2023) who discussed the dialogicity of qualitative research in relation to quantitative research, seeking to reflect on epistemological questions such as: How important is qualitative analysis in the context of research, especially empirical, and how can and should it assume a dialogic character with quantitative research actions? And what is qualitative about quantitative research? As a result, it was noticed that in qualitative research there is quantifiable information, without altering the research, so that quantitative research is also carried out in the light of qualitative processes. With regard to human senses and qualitative research, the results also point to dialogicity allowing new perspectives for investigation. We conclude that the senses are capable of interfering in research results, with a view to altering the perspective and perception of the researched and the researcher himself.



Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Antoniaci Tuzzo, S., & Fernandes Braga , C. (2024). HUMAN SENSES AND QUALITATIVE RESEARCH: A METHODOLOGICAL PROPOSAL. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 20(3), e1077. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.20.3.2024.e1077

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