
Lana Montezano https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5288-4299


Public organizations must adopt people management practices that contribute to the availability of professionals with an appropriate and engaged profile to generate quality public service provision. However, there are contextual variables that can make it difficult to use best practices from the literature in the context of public organizations. Goal: to identify the challenges for adopting people management practices in the public sector. Methods: The research is descriptive, cross-sectional, with a qualitative approach, based on data collected with an open question in an electronic questionnaire answered by 34 professional master's students in public administration who have an average experience of 19 years in the public sector and 7.7 years with people management. The data was consolidated with Bardin's word cloud and content analysis. Results: Five thematic categories and 21 subcategories of challenges were identified: organizational behavior barrier (with 3 subcategories); lack of preparation for adopting practices (with 2 subcategories); lack of organizational support (with 4 subcategories); limitations inherent to the public sector context (with 2 subcategories), limitations in people management practices (with 10 subcategories) Conclusions. The study highlighted contextual aspects of public organizations that have made it difficult to adopt people management practices more effectively, in addition to identifying the main difficulties in the practices themselves, which can help managers to establish actions to overcome these challenges. The qualitative method allowed us to obtain information related to the topic that was not initially foreseen in the collection, but that emerged from the answers, giving greater richness to the understanding of the phenomenon studied.


Empirical Articles

How to Cite

Montezano, L. (2024). CHALLENGES FOR ADOPTING PEOPLE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 20(3), e1102. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.20.3.2024.e1102

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