
Helenara Silveira Fagundes Vera Maria Ribeiro Nogueira Ineiva Terezinha Kreutz


This article discusses the methodological options adopted for the project Cross-border cooperation and social citizenship: expansion, impasses and limits”. The objective is to reflect the methodological paths used in this research to improve instruments and techniques for data collection and analysis in the future. The research will be exploratory and will use documentary research and interviews. The research subjects will be the managers and professionals of the health and social assistance policy. The tools of the WebQDA Software will be adopted for data analysis due to the feasibility of interaction between researchers, ensuring the reliability of multicenter studies.



How to Cite

Fagundes, H. S. ., Nogueira, V. M. R. ., & Kreutz, I. T. . (2020). Methodological paths in debate - An investigative experience in frontier spaces. New Trends in Qualitative Research, 4, 127–138. https://doi.org/10.36367/ntqr.4.2020.127-138